Poseidon to Roll Out Pharma Ocean Freight Program

‘Wave-parting’ Poseidon pharma ocean-freight program going live in London Feb. 1.

Poseidon, a global and fully integrated Pharma Ocean Freight program, is being rolled out at the 17th IQPC Temperature Controlled Logistics Conference in London Feb. 1, 2018.

Poseidon is a sea-freight model predicated around an intimate interconnection of the entire pharma-logistics supply chain in order to better ensure the safe and secure transportation of health-giving and life-saving pharmaceutical products.

"Poseidon has been conceived to address long-standing quality, safety and service issues associated with the long-haul transportation of pharmaceutical products, says collaboration specialist Alan Kennedy, who has been closely involved in program development. "It is out to challenge some of the ingrained beliefs and out-moded practices that plague the current pharma-freight paradigm.”

According to a recent estimate (from Supply Chain Intelligence, The Internet Of Things (IoT) and its impact on healthcare logistics, C. Montgomery, CargoSense,
Inc., Oct. 2015) the pharma business loses upwards of $35 billion annually as a result of temperature excursions and 30% of scrapped pharmaceutical can be attributed to logistics issues alone.

“With the pharma industry looking to reduce costs whilst meeting growing regulatory pressures and safety concerns, a new approach to product transportation is essential,” says Kennedy. “Despite the huge attention being paid to upgrading the pharma-logistics process, most of the current 'improvement' initiatives in the pharma-logistics space are piecemeal and merely papering over the cracks. The Poseidon model provides a structured platform on which the industry can work in concert to disrupt itself before it is abruptly and adversely disrupted by uncontrollable external forces.”

Poseidon is built around TEAM-UP collaborative principles and practices and pharmaceutical shippers form the backbone to the program and are actively involved in program design and development.

Poseidon’s Mark Edwards says, "The Poseidon program has been conceived as a risk-managed, fully GDP compliant, comprehensively insured freight platform for pharma. Its smart consolidation of all the different freight players and elements makes it a very attractive proposition for pharma shippers."