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OMAC Tackles Digitalization Data Governance and Security

The group launches a cyber resilience task force on the heels of releasing a best practices guide for sharing digital data.

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In February, the Organization for Machine Automation and Control (OMAC)’s digital transformation workgroup released a best-practices guide for data governance. The report is a summary of the things that manufacturers, OEMs, systems integrators, and technology providers need to consider when they are setting up an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solution in a manufacturing environment.

The document covers topics related to the structure of data, the forms of data, and the sharing of date in terms of how it should be curated and managed. “These are things that are new to a lot of people who have been learning about the value proposition, but are now taking the first steps to putting solutions together,” said Spencer Cramer, founder and CEO of ei3 and chairman of OMAC, during an interview at the ARC Industry Leadership Forum in Orlando. “And with these first steps they are going into the unknown because they haven’t done it before, it’s all brand new. OMAC is attempting to provide guidelines that can be used by people to get started and benefit from the experience of others who have already done it.”

As a company, ei3 is a member of OMAC and involved with the digital transformation workgroup because it has been focused on the IIoT aspect of digitalization in its own technology stack since it was founded in 1999. Now, the company wants to give back to the industry by sharing experiences.

This is the time to help manufacturers because the term “digital transformation” has reached the board room, and now IT and OT groups are tasked with making it happen—whatever that may mean to the organization.

In general terms, digital transformation “is taking existing processes, products, and practices and adding digitalization to them in ways that give them new processes, products, and practices, which then are there to meet the rapidly changing market conditions,” Cramer said.

But the first step in any digital transformation journey is connecting machines.

ei3 has more than 100,000 machines and devices connected in factories around the world and has made it easy for machine builders to connect equipment for remote service, or manufacturers who own machines can connect them themselves.

LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Tech for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to packaging challenges for life sciences products. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Tech for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast