Elpro has updated its liberoManager database service for collecting and analyzing temperature records created during shipment or storage of temperature-sensitive goods.
liberoManager v1.3.0, a software as a service (SaaS) platform, now fully supports the entire shipping process and allows documentation of all relevant steps including creating shipment records, collecting results, and analyzing route, packaging, or courier performance. It also documents the entire release process and enables in-depth analysis and documentation of deviations requiring further investigation.
In conjunction with Elpro’s elproViewer software, the modular platform offers pharmaceutical supply chain stakeholders the tools to calculate total excursion time, overlay temperature graphs, and export data to Excel for pivot analysis. This type of analysis helps companies improve overall logistics processes and make quicker product release decisions.
According to the vendor, customers want a convenient and safe way for their authorized QA personnel to tread and document errors in shipping processes, such as “wrong profile used” or “forgot to press stop button,” within the database. elproViewer has the capability to combine shipment results along the supply chain to assess the remaining stability budget of a shipment in relation to earlier shipments.