Actually, it’s one of 10 questions “Future of Medicine” columnist Dr. Michael Drues asks in this issue’s cover story. As Healthcare Packaging celebrates its 10th year in 2014, we asked Drues to look 10 years ahead to how technologies might lead us to question today’s methods of practicing medicine. Ideally these insights position you get ahead of the curve in visualizing how these developments might impact the packaging process by 2024.
What can you expect from Healthcare Packaging in the future? Beginning with the March/April edition, we’re excited to unveil a Tablet version of the magazine that will offer interactive features that allow you to play videos, watch photographic slide shows, and manipulate products in a 360-degree fashion right from your favorite tablet.
Further down the road, who knows? A print design refresh? A version for Google Glass? 3D glasses? We’ll see. Be it the world of medicine or packaging, technology will continue to challenge and inspire us. And that excites our team at Healthcare Packaging as we look to innovate and serve as a thought leader in this publishing space. We thank readers and advertisers alike for your continued support and welcome you to join us as we continue this amazing journey toward 2024.