Systech Intl.’s e-Fingerprint™ product addresses pharmaceutical counterfeiting in the global pharmaceutical supply chain. The company says “e-Fingerprint will revolutionize industry’s approach to combating counterfeiting, differentiating itself from other anti-counterfeit products by piggybacking on the existing serialization process, offering an effective authentication solution at a fraction of the cost of deploying other covert or overt technologies.
The problem of counterfeit pharmaceutical products entering the supply chain continues to intensify. Patient safety is being put at risk and the economic costs of counterfeiting have reached staggering levels. Regulatory bodies around the world are seeking to combat the crisis by introducing unit-level serialization. While serialization makes counterfeiting more difficult, counterfeits can still make it to point of sale before the authentic product. e-Fingerprint addresses these shortcomings by utilizing the existing serialization process to deliver enhanced brand authenticity and a more secure supply chain.
e-Fingerprint utilizes the existing serialization process to produce a counterfeit-secure digital fingerprint and provides the following customer benefits:
• Ease of implementation: e-Fingerprint leverages existing serialization technology, so customers can avail of the solution as they take actions to meet regulatory requirements
• Low-cost: Unlike other methods of covert-product authentication, e-Fingerprint authenticates without the need for proprietary materials or special readers—providing counterfeit security at a fraction of the price of rival technologies
• Reliability: e-Fingerprint verification is based on identifying a robust and durable set of item attributes that stand up to real-world supply chain conditions and environments
• Ease of verification: e-Fingerprint uses commonly available smartphones to authenticate serialized packages as genuine, eliminating costly and awkward proprietary devices