NEW EVENT! Cutting-edge Trends for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
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Medical device packaging takes center stage at HealthPack

HealthPack 2015 focused on exclusive survey and package design. Meanwhile HealthPack 2016 venue is established.

HealthPack 2016 will be held March 15-17 at the Astor Crowne Plaza in New Orleans.
HealthPack 2016 will be held March 15-17 at the Astor Crowne Plaza in New Orleans.

The “average” medical device packager is male (75% vs 25% female), is between 40 and 50 years old, and earns between $100,000 and $150,000 a year.

These and other findings from an exclusive survey conducted by Healthcare Packaging between Jan. 15 and Feb. 15 were presented at HealthPack 2015 in Norfolk, VA, to a conference attended by 270 professionals. The research was gathered from 110 end-user respondents. Healthcare Packaging served as the exclusive media partner of the conference, which is produced for professionals involved in the packaging of medical devices.

At the early March HealthPack event, Healthcare Packaging staff revealed that while the vast majority of medical device packagers respond positively to general questions about “being supported by their organization” when it came to packaging’s seat at the table, or having enough time to meet project deadlines, results were less positive.

Responses were broken out by upper management and line-level engineers, and by large and small companies, to reveal that upper management has a far rosier view of their organization than employees in the trenches, and smaller organizations are stressed more by regulatory requirements than large organizations with more resources.

Designing medical device packaging with passion

Medical device packaging design requires meeting patient needs, FDA and regulatory requirements, testing and sterilization processes, time-to-market deadlines, etc. So there’s no reason to seek out additional packaging design considerations, right? Think again.

A men’s bodywash package that looked as if it would have been appropriate sitting in a garage served as an inspiration to Jennifer Goff, CPP, Associate Manager, Packaging R&D, Stryker Instruments.

In her presentation, “Medical Device Packaging’s Story Told Through Design Control,” Goff advised attendees to draw inspiration from packaging used in markets and industries beyond the medical device world. In fact, she discussed a team-building exercise in which team members would invest the time to go through a retail store and evaluate packaging—everything from healthcare products to cosmetics to food—and determine how their appeal could potentially be utilized in packaging medical devices.

Empathic design, defined by Wikipedia as “a user-centered design approach that pays attention to the user’s feelings toward a product,” was also touted by Goff. She explained that incorporating user needs can emanate from voice-of-customer inputs, customer complaints, and empathic design. “These may be things we don’t know,” Goff said, “but could, for example, help us understand that we need to design individual cavities within a device tray to hold separate screws so they don’t get lost in the surgical theater.

“Packaging needs for the end user to tell its story. In the case of medical devices, we need to watch how a nurse opens a device and how he or she uses it in the operating room, and determine the challenges the package gives the user. We have to remember that nurses have considerable influence in hospital purchase decisions.”

Packaging’s seat at the table

One recurring theme in Goff’s resentation was the need for packaging to be involved in the medical device development process from the very beginning, something that isn’t always the case.

“Often packaging is pulled in once the project has already been started,” said Goff. “A lot of times packaging is an after-though whereby R&D says, ‘We can put the device in a pouch and then in a box.’ We need to educate management teams and let them know that packaging can add value to the overall user experience. In some cases packaging can create a competitive advantage for our company in the marketplace.”

Packaging considerations are necessary throughout the process of getting a device to market, she noted, from designing a package “just like R&D designs the device,” to helping develop usage instructions.

Risk management must be involved, particularly as it relates to sample size. And packaging must also include other management teams during the process, be it marketing, R&D, operations, etc.

Bottom line: The packaging department must get involved with project teams early. “Push to be involved rather than getting pulled in,” Goff emphasized. “We want to provide the best product and package to the customer. Be passionate!”

Nurses offer tips for medical packaging design

For years, HealthPack has presented a nurses panel, one of the most popular presentations every year. At Norfolk, nurses again gave very blunt feedback and attendees got to hear firsthand what does, and maybe more importantly, what does not, work when it comes to medical device packaging. The presentation comprised a panel of end users, mostly nurses who were given a series of medical items and packages and asked for feedback.

INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to packaging challenges for life sciences products. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast