Weed Tampons are Now a Thing

Foria, a company that produces marijuana products for women, has developed a marijuana suppository to alleviate menstrual cramps.

Foria's Marijuana Tampon / Image: Foria
Foria's Marijuana Tampon / Image: Foria

The legalization of marijuana has lead to an explosion of weed-infused products ranging from practical and medicinal to creative and experimental. A recent Business Inside article reported on a new product that likely falls into the latter category. A company called Foria creates products at the intersection of marijuana and women’s health including a vaginal suppository for menstrual discomfort that’s being tested by a Harvard professor.

Staci Gruber, director of the Cognitive and Clinical Neuroimaging Core and the Marijuana Investigations for Neuroscientific Discovery program at the McLean Hospital in Massachusetts, is conducting a study that will observe 400 women using the marijuana tampons. “What we’re looking to do is take anecdotal information and turn it into data,” she says. She believes this is the first step toward a clinical trial that would determine the effectiveness of the product against a placebo group.