Nutrition Manufacturer More than Doubles Production

Fully automated bottling line helps Global Healing Center double production by replacing manual steps, improving filling and packaging consistency and quality assurance.

This new automatic bottle filling line for nutrition product manufacturer Global Healing Center was designed and installed by Deitz Co. The line more than doubles production rates and saves on labor costs.
This new automatic bottle filling line for nutrition product manufacturer Global Healing Center was designed and installed by Deitz Co. The line more than doubles production rates and saves on labor costs.

A Houston-based producer of detox/cleansing products, health kits, supplements, skin care and other natural health products, nutrition product manufacturer Global Healing Center recently completed a fully automated bottle filling line at its Phoenix, AZ facility.

The new bottle filling line was designed and installed by packaging machinery manufacturer Deitz Co.

The line replaces manual desiccant insertion, cotton insertion, capping, labeling, tamper-evident banding, heat sealing and other labor-intensive steps with automated machinery to increase production rates, cut lead times and meet growing consumer demand while also improving consistency and quality assurance in filling and packaging.

The new line has more than doubled production from 2,200 bottles/eight-hour shift to 4,800 bottles/eight-hour shift. Accelerated production is expected when the company adds a second tablet counter/filler when growth demands higher speeds.

“This is the second line we have purchased from Deitz because their machines have a reputation for quality, reliability and affordability and their people are experts in the field," says Lenny Amado, Chief Manufacturing Officer. “With Deitz, we've been able to upgrade manual tasks to a modern, fully automated line and it was also well in line with our budget.”

The automated filling line feeds empty bottles from a Dietz PharmafillTM rotary turntable to a Pharmafill PS1 desiccant pouch inserter, Pharmafill TC3 tablet counter/filler and Pharmafill CS1 cotton inserter.

Moving the filled bottles downstream on Pharmafill single lane, sanitary, raised belt conveyors, the bottling line applies caps and labels with a SureKap capper, Autolabe labeler and Pillar induction sealer before entering a Pharmafill BCV1 bottomless conveyor for printing lot codes on the bottle bottoms.

Next, a Pharmafill NB-1 neck bander applies tamper-evident banding and a Pharmafill HT6B heat tunnel shrinks the banding onto the bottles. The filled and sealed bottles accumulate on a second Pharmafill rotary turntable at the end of the line.

“We've more than doubled production and lowered our overall labor costs,” says Amado.