Trends in Life Science Packaging: Tuesday, Oct. 13

Join Healthcare Packaging's Keren Sookne on Tuesday morning as she discusses the speed of development from R&D to commercialization, sustainability, patient connections strategy, and more at ESKO’s Packaging Content Show.


Join Keren as she discusses trends in life sciences and packaging during ESKO’s Packaging Content Show on Tuesday, October 13, 9:00am-12:15pm EST.

Keren will share the latest headlines from the life sciences industry, including topics like the speed of development from R&D to commercialization and patient connections strategy. Also on the agenda: adoption of technologies like cloud and remote access and how to manage the proliferation of regulations and pressure for sustainability.

The event will also feature presentations on Digital Transformation with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and A Simpler Artwork Process for Almirall.

Presentations will be followed by a panel discussion where life science companies discuss how they’re responding to industry trends. Hear how companies are managing their artwork process, lessons learned, and more.

Registration is available for the Packaging Content Show here.