LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Trends for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
Discover all the latest packaging solutions for life sciences products at the all-new PACK EXPO Southeast in Atlanta, GA, March 10-12, 2025

LIVE FROM INTERPHEX: Multi-spectrum metal detector

Product effect conditions, such as water content or a variation in the temperature of product or ambient air, simulate the presence of metal when none exists and account for costly delays, product re-inspection, and waste.

Hp 20233 Heat And Control Ceia Multi Spectrum Metal Detectorl
To compensate for product effects without reducing detection sensitivity, Heat and Control, Inc. CEIA MS21 metal detectors simultaneously use a broad spectrum of inspection frequencies to achieve high sensitivity to all metal contaminants. Unlike three-frequency detectors that inspect using one frequency at a time, the MS21 uses patent-pending multispectrum technology to accurately identify the difference between a metal particle and a specific product effect. CEIA multispectrum detectors automatically learn and track product effect conditions. CEIA's Auto-Learn system selects, displays, and stores the optimal sensitivity settings for up to 500 products A single-button preview of detection settings, including the range of frequencies used, sensitivity level, metal type, and particle size, also helps reduce detection errors.

Standard features include an IP69K rating for superior high-pressure, high-temperature washdown protection, stainless-steel case and keyboard with conformal coated circuit boards for superior moisture resistance and durability, Bluetooth connectivity for programming and data collection without physically accessing the detector's interior, Ethernet connection capability, username/password access for up to 40 users, compliance with HACCP and FDA Title 21 for traceable inspection event recording and reporting.
LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Tech for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to packaging challenges for life sciences products. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Tech for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast