LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Trends for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
Discover all the latest packaging solutions for life sciences products at the all-new PACK EXPO Southeast in Atlanta, GA, March 10-12, 2025

Claranor: Infant Formula Sterilization

Company’s pulsed light process expands beyond beverages and dairy products to provide in-line decontamination for the infant powdered formula market.

Company’s pulsed light process expands beyond beverages and dairy products to provide in-line decontamination for the infant powdered formula market.
Company’s pulsed light process expands beyond beverages and dairy products to provide in-line decontamination for the infant powdered formula market.

Claranor, pioneer of pulsed light in-line packaging decontamination for beverages and dairy products, brings the technology to the infant powdered formula market. Its advantages include a high level of efficiency, compacity, and sustainability.

To achieve a dry sterilization needed for the infant powdered formula packaging, a new cooling system by air was designed instead of the closer water-cooling system currently used.

The company has developed a range of decontamination equipment dedicated to the baby powder milk category, for cans, can ends, cap with integrated spoon—of all shapes, sizes or material, and can be instantaneously treated in-line by pulsed light.

As an instant treatment, pulsed light technology offers optimal accuracy, reproducibility of the decontamination, and a high availability compared to UV. It allows the treatment of each pack and makes it easy to manage production line stops and restarts.

With proven efficiency, pulsed light ensures similar or higher packaging decontamination than conventional methods.

Microbiological decontamination is measurable and has been validated by independent laboratory Fraunhofer Institute IVV.

For can sterilization, the heat is not released in the environment around the conveyor but eliminated outside the production room. Its advantages include the following:

• A high level of efficiency

• No heating around the treatment zone

• Compact equipment that’s easy to integrate on new or existing lines (<1,5m)

• Lower running costs

• Sustainability (low energy consumption, no mercury in lamp)

For can end sterilization, Claranor developed a machine that’s integrated around the can end conveyor. The sterilizer decontaminates instantaneously both sides of the can end to avoid any contamination during restacking. Each end face receives one flash during the motion, whatever the speed of the conveyor.

To offer a complete solution for the whole packaging, Claranor has also designed a new optical cabinet adapted for the Closure with integrated spoon. Together with Aptar, “NEO”, a closure with integrated transparent spoon, has been developed to ensure the decontamination of all the surface in contact with the product, including the surface under the spoon.

LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Tech for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to packaging challenges for life sciences products. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Tech for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast