Cool Logistics’ Chronos Advance™ is a shipping system designed for the single-use shipping industry.
Using insulation and phase-change materials, Chronos Advance ensures maximum protection for payloads using standardized components for simple, error-free assembly.
The shipper is pre-qualified for a range of industry-recognized ambient profiles and integrates a range of high-performance features, including the following:
• Insulating foam and vacuum insulation panels with advanced phase-change material (PCM) technology.
• Phase-Lock features that simplify the packing process by using a single temperature CoolPhase PCM.
• Hibernation can be achieved at any point during transit by placing the shipper into refrigerated storage and pausing phase change within the shipper, resulting in longer temperature-compliant shipments.
• Moisture-protecting materials that eradicate any potential damage to the product and labelling from condensation build-up on coolants.
The Chronos Advance system is a compact, size-efficient shipper coupled with easy packing and handling elements that will perform up to 72 hr against ISTA 7D standards and beyond 120 hr in real-world environments.
The shipping system is available in three core sizes to protect 2° to 8oC shipments. Extensions to ambient temperatures and additional sizes are forthcoming.