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Bringing Fortune 500 Healthcare to the Packaging Masses

The National Association of Manufacturers and Mercer Health join unPACKed with PMMI to discuss NAM Healthcare's success bringing quality healthcare to small to medium sized businesses.

Even before the pandemic, healthcare, and the ability to obtain good healthcare, was always a hot-button issue. Beyond constant discussions around the dollars and cents that dominate headlines, healthcare is, in an of itself, a necessity for survival.  For businesses, affordable healthcare and maintaining a healthy workforce is crucial and represents one of the leading factors potential employees seek when job hunting. 

With that in mind, PMMI and NAM, The National Association of Manufacturers, collaborated to offer Fortune-500 level benefits to companies via NAM Healthcare. Paul Hartgen, vice president, member and business services, NAM, and Wendee Wood, partner at Mercer Health and Benefits, join the podcast and discuss what NAM Healthcare is, who is eligible to participate in the program and how small and medium-sized manufacturing companies can obtain this life-saving benefit. 

Learn more, and if eligible, get a quote here.

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