LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Trends for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
Discover all the latest packaging solutions for life sciences products at the all-new PACK EXPO Southeast in Atlanta, GA, March 10-12, 2025

MAUSER Group: Multilayer plastic tight head drum

Designed for healthcare applications, the HDPE is blow-molded to meet special requirements.

Mauser Group, a worldwide company in industrial packaging, presents a new plastic tight head drum specifically designed to meet packaging needs in the healthcare industry and similar highly regulated branches with special requirements on packaging material conformity and cleanliness.

The new L-Ring Drum H-Care™ is the first industrial plastic packaging derived from the cooperation between Mauser and petrochemical company Sabic on the development of a new HDPE (High-density polyethylene) material for large blow-molded packaging solutions in the healthcare market.

Having been developed in its basic design almost two decades ago, the one piece blow-molded 220-liter L-Ring Drum PLUS has become an industrial standard, well known as a reliable packaging solution in multiple industries. Continuous development in design, accessories, processing technology, and raw materials make it an on-going success.

Making use of Mauser’s multilayer drum machine technology, the inner layer of L-Ring Drum H-Care is made from a new HDPE material that for the first time provides full E.U. and U.S. pharmacopoeia compliance with a HDPE material suitable for large blow-molding applications. Besides high material standards, end customers benefit from more security in terms of investments and costs related to packaging regulatory approval processes, as Sabic offers a long-term upfront notification of 18 months on any product changes and 24 months supply security in case of product withdrawal.

The L-Ring Drum H-Care is UN-approved for transportation of dangerous goods. It comes with full global and specific migration testing required for E.U. and U.S. food contact compliance and is produced under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards.

LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Tech for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to packaging challenges for life sciences products. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Tech for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast