Studies Say Healthy People Should Take Daily HIV Drug

New guidelines suggest healthy people at risk of HIV should take a daily prevention pill to reduce risk or infection.

Truvada / Image: NBC News
Truvada / Image: NBC News

The United States see almost 40,000 new HIV infections each year, but a new prevention drug stands to drastically decrease that number. According to a recent NBC News article, healthy people at risk of contracting HIV are being advised to take a daily prevention pill called PrEP, or preexposure prophylaxis. Only one brand of the two-medication combo bill has been approved for preventative use in the U.S., and it’s Truvada, made by Gilead Sciences.

PrEP is only recommended for people at high risk of infection, which includes people with HIV-positive sex partners or people who share needles with HIV-positive people. And it does come with a hefty price tag; the average monthly retail cost is almost $2,000.