Mondelez International’s Halls Kids Cough & Sore Throat Pops
+ Although the stand-up pouch is no longer new in this category, the combination of colorful graphics and candy-like “pops” make medicine more appealing to children compared with traditional syrupy liquids
+ Resealable pack is convenient, large drug facts on back panel and easy to-

read expiration date are all assets for parents
—This product could be mistaken for candy
Note: A choking warning on the pouch is printed in bright red and
yellow, which is good. However, the pops themselves and the easy to-
open pouch make it all too easy for youngsters to consume these
medicated cherry and strawberry OTC products like candy.
Biolife LLC’s Wound Seal Topical Powder
+ Kudos to yet another package whose graphics demonstrate how packaging enhances the consumer experience
+ Backing card graphics illustrate easy-open, easy-pour tube applicator inside blister, which boldly proclaim, “Stops Bleeding Instantly! Creates an Instant Scab. Protects the Wound.”
+ Back of card shows usage directions, easy-to-read expiration date, while hang tab provides display options for retailers
—Paperboard backing card and plastic blister could hinder consumer recycling, but this is “picking nits”
—Pouring out a powder could be awkward for some users, putting a burden on the tube to dispense the correct amount of product
Red Ace’s Organic Beet Performance Supplement
+As health-conscious consumers turn more to supplements, manufacturers are becoming more creative in their use of packaging, which is evidenced here in the form of a printed corrugated outer box that includes two die-cut windows that show two glass bottles of the liquid product inside the box 
+ “Never Miss a BEET!” marketing slogan on the top box panel, viewing windows and clear shrink-wrapped glass bottles pack plenty of consumer appeal
—It’s unclear how much of the liquid beet supplement should be taken
—For better or worse, the box and printed label carry the following warning: “May turn urine pink.”
Note: Package printing says, “Serving Size: 1 bottle (60mL)” on the “Supplement Facts” panel, but does that make it a safe dosage for anyone? This could be more clearly stated.
This is a four-part series. Check out Part 1, Part 3 and Part 4.