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Pelican BioThermal, the global name in temperature-controlled packaging,and parent company Pelican Products are once again teaming up to host June blood drives in Minnesota, California and Canada where its offices and partner sites are located. Coinciding with the World Health Organization’s World Blood Donor Day on Friday, June 14, 2019, an American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be on site at Pelican BioThermal’s headquarters in Plymouth, Minnesota for employees and community members to donate blood.
In the runup to World Blood Donor Day, a Bloodmobile will be at Pelican Products’ headquarters in Torrance, California on Tuesday, June 4, 2019. In addition, Pelican Products is partnering with Torrance Memorial Hospital across the street from its headquarters for the entire month of June to give employees more flexibility to donate blood — and potentially help save more lives. Additional blood drives will be held at Pelican Products Case Center in Ontario, California and in Canada at Pelican Products ULC in Edmonton, Alberta.
“Each year, we have strong participation in our annual blood drives,” said Pelican BioThermal President David Williams. “Last year, 50 people participated in our multi-site, multi-country blood drive — which was enough to save 100 lives.”
In addition to hosting its annual blood drive, Pelican BioThermal invented award-winning Golden Hour™ temperature-controlled containers that safely deliver blood to combat units in faraway battlefields. Pelican BioThermal provides temperature-controlled packaging that enables pharmaceutical companies to safely ship live-saving drugs all over the world. Its thermal packaging products are also used by blood banks, hospitals, EMT personnel and first responders.
The American Red Cross recently reported a critical shortage of Type O blood — the most common type — that is used by most hospitals. However, all types of blood are needed. Blood donations are typically down in the late spring, which makes the joint Pelican BioThermal and Pelican Products blood drives especially well-timed.
The blood drives are being held at:
·Pelican BioThermal’s Headquarters- 3020 Niagara Lane N., Plymouth, Mn. This blood drive is open to the public. Register atredcrossblood.orgby entering sponsor code PELICANPLYM.
·Pelican Products Headquarters- 23215 Early Avenue, Torrance, CA 90505
·Pelican Advanced Case Center -651 Barrington Ave, Unit A, Ontario, CA 91764
·Pelican Products Canada- 10221-184th Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5S 2J4
To learn more about Pelican BioThermal visitwww.pelicanbiothermal.com.
Pelican BioThermal is a division of Pelican Products, Inc., which is a portfolio company of Behrman Capital, a private equity investment firm based in New York and San Francisco.