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This year RAUMEDIC focuses on its polymer expertise, in silicone injection molding and in micro injection molding. As a system provider for medical and pharmaceutical solutions, pharmaceutical syringe systems as well as catheters and sets complete the portfolio.
Think Small
The company is meeting the ongoing trend towards minimally invasive procedures with its ultra-small dimensioned tubing and molded parts, providing impressive functionality in minimal space, all manufactured to the most precise tolerances. And RAUMEDIC does not limit itself to thermoplastics and silicones. Metal components like ultra-fine wires and electronic components, combined and integrated with high-performance polymers as well, are the key features appearing today in the medical technology solutions of tomorrow.
Silicone Intelligence
Liquid Injection Molding (LIM) pump segments are very commonly used in enteral nutrition or pain management applications. High dosage accuracy represents an important criterion for today´s medical devices, hence pump segments made out of silicone must fulfill tightest tolerances. “Silicone Intelligence Inside – made by RAUMEDIC” integrates several functions or design requirements such as connectors, fixing elements as well as pressure sensors and bubble detection areas in one single part, avoiding costly secondary operations. A combination of silicone and thermoplastic parts in one system is also possible.
Assembly possibilities
Tubing, tubing sets, catheters and other medical modules – RAUMEDIC provides a variety of efficient possibilities in assembly.
RAUMEDIC offers further processing of tubing and molded parts for the medical and pharmaceutical industry. The modern machines and equipment cover all commonly used production technologies from “simple” tubing fixed lengths, tubing sets, catheters, to complete medical devices – sterile packaged and CE certified. For many years RAUMEDIC has been producing tubing sets tailored to the particular field of application.
RAUMEDIC is a one stop shop for medical-grade extrusion, injection molding and assembly and a partner for all stages of design, development, prototyping, sterilization, validation, product launch and serial production.