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Neuman Aluminum operates plants in Verona, Va., and Sherbrooke, Quebec, which produce aluminum disks, or slugs, that are converted into premium packaging for personal care, household, beverage and other products.
"This strategic acquisition is an investment by Ball in a business that has technology to access new markets and opportunities to grow Ball's packaging platform," said Raymond J. Seabrook, executive vice president and chief operating officer, global packaging operations.
Neuman Aluminum had sales of approximately $128 million in 2009. The two plants, which employ about 180 people, will become part of Ball's metal food and household products packaging segment.
"This strategic acquisition is an investment by Ball in a business that has technology to access new markets and opportunities to grow Ball's packaging platform," said Raymond J. Seabrook, executive vice president and chief operating officer, global packaging operations.
Neuman Aluminum had sales of approximately $128 million in 2009. The two plants, which employ about 180 people, will become part of Ball's metal food and household products packaging segment.
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