Healthcare Packaging and PackagingWorld will be media partners of RxAdherence 2015, according to the Healthcare Compliance Packaging Council (HCPC), a U.S. based not-for-profit trade association whose mission is to promote the greater use of compliance-prompting packaging to improve patient adherence.
RxAdherence, Strategies to Improve Outcomes, is the only annual broad-based adherence conference with a special focus on compliance-prompting packaging.
The conference, now in its 23rd year, will take place on Tues., March 31, at the Wyndham Hamilton Hotel & Conference Center in Florham Park, N.J.
“The HCPC is excited to partner with Healthcare Packaging and Packaging World,” said Walt Berghahn, HCPC executive director. “We believe that our media partners can help us spread the message that compliance-prompting reminder packaging significantly improves patient adherence, aids in supply chain security and provides product protection not offered by traditional pharmacy packaging.”
Healthcare Packaging and Packaging World, are the leading media brands in their fields.
Healthcare Packaging covers developments in life science packaging and logistics and Packaging World reports on packaging applications, equipment and materials for all industries.
“We’ve worked with the HCPCon numerous occasions, including its Compliance Package of the Year competition, and look forward to helping to make RxAdherence2015 a huge success,” said Jim Chrzan, vice president and publisher of Healthcare Packaging. “We’re pleased to support the HCPC and its member companies in their efforts to increase the utilization of compliance-prompting packaging.