Sercos, with national offices in North America and Asia, drew more than 600 participants to Tokyo and more than 330 visitors to Osaka to attend this year’s Industrial Open Networks Fair on July 7 in Osaka and July 9 in Tokyo. As well as an exhibition with products from about 50 providers, the fair included a range of seminars, including a Sercos International seminar on “Real-time Ethernet with Internet.” About 40 visitors took part in the seminar in Osaka, which was organized by Bosch Rexroth on behalf of the user organization. The seminar in Tokyo was fully booked with 66 participants.
Visitors to the event were also introduced to an implementation in which the OPC-UA Companion Specification for Sercos is reflected. The specification describes how the Sercos information model is mapped onto OPC-UA so that the functions and data provided by Sercos devices are accessible via OPC-UA. The aim is to facilitate data exchange between the machine periphery and superordinate IT systems and support the requirements of Industry 4.0 with respect to semantic interoperability.