James Cropper Plc’s new business—James Cropper 3D Products—has developed a design-engineered, molded paper packaging product they say challenges plastic in terms of color, quality and performance and will add value for brand owners, designers and other customers—beyond the capabilities of other molded fiber packaging.
It is made from entirely renewable materials and consumers can recycle it with household paper. It can be used for multiple industry sector applications, including personal care products, e-retail and consumer electronics.
Although molded fiber products are in limited use now, the company says it can produce already, but not with the versatility, design or color offered by the new molded paper packaging, which it says can be easily made.
The product’s color quality and consistency help in building brand association and brand experience. Features such as embossing have greater definition and the cure-in-the-mold production process allows for combining precise pressure and temperature controls with different fiber blends to create textures and finishes.
The molded packaging provides uniform wall thickness and the ability create holes as needed by customers. JC3DP is already working with a number of companies and says it can manufacture relatively low minimum order quantities.
The product is made using 100% renewable natural fibers from sustainably managed forests and can be recycled just like regular paper.
Sustainable innovation is one of the major focuses of everything James Cropper does, and the new range of products has been in development for two years.