Sanofi Recognized for Sustainability Efforts

S&P Global Ratings has named Sanofi one of the world’s most sustainability-committed companies, with a score of 86 out of 100 points, one of the highest scores across all sectors globally.

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Sanofi has been recognized as one of the most sustainability-committed companies in an ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) Evaluation performed by S&P’s Global Ratings.

The ESG Evaluation awarded Sanofi one of the highest scores across all sectors globally—86 out of 100 points. Sanofi’s ESG profile was awarded 80 points for its solid fundamentals, as well as an additional strong preparedness opinion of six points for its “excellent awareness of risks and opportunities” and its capacity to “anticipate and adapt to a variety of long-term plausible disruptions.”

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Sanofi’s Social Profile was ranked as “leading” in the category of communities, highlighting the company’s creation of a global health unit in 2021, which aims to provide 30 of Sanofi’s medicines across a wide range of therapeutic areas to patients in 40 of the lowest-income countries. The evaluation also took note of Sanofi’s commitment to eliminating infectious diseases, such as polio, sleeping sickness, and malaria.

Sanofi’s social impact strategy is based on four essential pillars in which the company is positioned to make a difference, including global access to and affordability of healthcare while helping healthcare systems’ sustainability; innovation for the most vulnerable populations; ensuring patients’ access to medicines while reconnecting health with the planet; and building an inclusive workplace and community engagement.

S&P Global Ratings’ ESG Evaluation is a cross-sector, relative analysis of an entity’s capacity to continue to operate successfully. It is grounded in how ESG factors could affect stakeholders, potentially leading to a material direct or indirect financial impact on the company.