Multi-Conveyor recently built a four strand mild steel constructed indexing table-style-top conveyor, with two common drive assemblies, designed to convey corrugated cases with stacked heavy metal product inside.
Sprockets are keyed inline so each sprocket engages the chain at the same time and each chain moves in time with one another. This reduces product skewing across all four strands.
The system was engineered to convey 260 lb of products, approximately 60 lb/chain or 560 lb total weight at any given time across 12 ft of conveyor chains.
Due to the product width, the system has joining shaft configurations for eight narrow chains versus one wide costly belt conveyor. The multiple strands also distribute the weight evenly to reduce chain pulls. (Note: Product used in this video is for demonstration purposes only.)
The front end of the line accumulates the cartons by indexing, which then transfers to the second series of chains. The cartons are then halted by fixed end stops where they are robotically removed from the line and palletized.
This system has take up assemblies that tightens the chains for indexing; common drive shafts; and common support structures incorporated into it, all used in conjunction with System Plast™ chain.
Safety features built into the system include silver chain shaft cutout guard with end caps, bearing covers, finger guards and yellow chain safety guarding.
This conveyor is designed to run at 30 ft/min @ 60 hertz based on a product load of (10) lb/lineal ft of conveyor (distributed load) with 100% accumulation.