Sanofi Clinical Trial Benefits from Compact, Multi-Lingual Booklet Label

Specialty Label for Needle Protection System in International Phase III Trial.

Schreiner MediPharm’s Booklet-Label for the needle protection system used by Sanofi in a clinical trial encompasses 32 pages.
Schreiner MediPharm’s Booklet-Label for the needle protection system used by Sanofi in a clinical trial encompasses 32 pages.

Schreiner MediPharm, a provider of innovative functional label systems for the pharmaceutical industry, has developed a compact Booklet-Label for a needle protection system used in an international phase III clinical trial conducted by pharmaceutical corporation Sanofi.

Since most studies for clinical trials are conducted internationally, the investigational drugs must be reliably marked and provided with a complete set of information in several languages. For this purpose, Sanofi required a multi-page label making the product information available in many different languages. In addition, the label needed to firmly adhere to the plastic needle protection system without impairing the system’s functionality. 

The Booklet-Label is meant to be tightly wrapped around the needle protection system. The booklet encompasses 32 pages with medicinal information in 22 languages. It is supposed to reliably adhere to the plastic substrate of the needle protection system and, with its flexible material construction of thin booklet paper plus film layers, should be easily wrapped around the quadrangular device. A starter tab is added to make it possible to easily open and re-close the label.

The Booklet-Label is made to be partially affixed to the device so that the pre-filled syringe and its contents are readily visible after opening. The booklet is equipped with a perforation, allowing for its removal before injection—only a small part of the label which, for instance, may contain variable data, subsequently remains on the device. The label material is meant to be suitable for custom overprinting using TTR printers.