HealthPack 2017 will take place March 7 to 9 at the Denver Marriott Center. Held in cooperation with the Institute of Packaging Professionals’ Medical Device Packaging Technical Committee, HealthPack is an annual educational event that keeps medical device professionals informed about leading-edge industry trends, from regulatory and testing issues to materials advances and case studies.
Consisting of a conference, exhibit hall and networking opportunities, HealthPack’s signature event is its live panel of operating room nurses and technicians reviewing and critiquing commercialized medical device packages submitted by event attendees. The review is shown to the audience via a closed-circuit feed, followed by a Q&A between the nurses and audience. Watch a video clip from last year’s Nurses Panel here.
HealthPack is accepting presentation abstracts, with an Aug. 26 call for presentations deadline. These could include research, case studies, trends analysis and how-to reports on the following topics:
• Approaches toincorporating packaging into design control
• Human factors inmedical device packaging,including packaging designed for use by patients
• Impact of new medical device regulations in Europe on medical device manufacturers
• Demystifying ISO 11607:new clarifications, proper interpretations and demonstrating compliance
• Creating consistency in sample size for testing: Can medical device manufacturerspresent uniform information for auditors?
• Strategies for rapid prototyping and integrity testing
• How e-businessischanging the scope of medical device packaging
• Material development studies
• Strategies for standardizing and validating equipment globally
Healthcare Packaging serves as media partner for the event. For more information on HealthPack 2017, contact Jim George at [email protected].