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Beech-Nut becomes a disruptive force in baby food

Totally reformulating its products and packaging, Beech-Nut launches a 100% natural baby food in custom glass jars that let the fresh product recipes speak for themselves.

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Millennial moms shopping the baby food aisle have recently been met with a new vision: Shelves stacked with premium, honeypot-shaped, clear glass jars displaying the vibrant, rich colors of 100% natural fruit and vegetable purees. Bright orange carrot, deep crimson pomegranate, luscious golden apple, and rich purple blackberry are just a few. It is the vision that drove Beech-Nut Nutrition Corp.’s year-and-a-half-long journey to transform its products and packaging to better meet the needs of today’s moms and bring them back to a declining category.

According to Andy Dahlen, Beech-Nut’s Vice President of Marketing, in recent years, moms have been switching from commercially prepared baby foods to homemade in order to ensure the freshness and nutrition of their babies’ food. A drop in the birth rate has also affected the category.

“Over the last five to seven years, there has been a decline in the birth rate, so that is a factor facing the category,” Dahlen says. “But even if you account for the decline in birth rate, there are ounces leaving the category due to moms who are choosing to not enter the category or are getting the food and nutritional needs of their babies met elsewhere.

“If you look at the per-baby amount of ounces consumed from the aisle, in 2005, a baby would consume on average 1,700 ounces. In 2012, that number was just less than 1,200 ounces. So 500 ounces are gone. We know from the birth rate and the fact that there have been no changes in nutritional recommendations that babies are still getting those ounces; they are just not getting them from the category.”

Driven by the desire to make its brand relevant and compelling to modern moms, in late 2012 Beech-Nut—led by Dahlen, along with brand agency Bluedog Design™—set out to reformulate its product line and disrupt the baby food category forever with “Real Food for Babies” in packaging as premium and “pure” as the product itself.

Gentle cooking yields natural product
Beech-Nut, a subsidiary of Hero AG of Lenzburg, Switzerland, was founded in 1890 and has been producing baby food since 1931. Located in Amsterdam, NY, at “One Nutritious Place,” the company is the number-two leading baby-food brand in the U.S., producing jarred fruit and vegetable purees, cereals, pouched purees and yogurts, and a limited line of toddler meals and snacks.

According to Dahlen, the company’s history is one of innovation in packaging and nutrition. “It was a brand built around competency in packaging,” he says. “In 1931, Beech-Nut was the first to put baby food in a vacuum-packed container. That was an innovation at the time. Throughout the history of the brand, the company has been a leader in terms of being the first to remove any additional salts and sugars, and the first to launch a stage eating system for baby food, where the textures and the products were designed to meet babies’ needs as they grew.”

Therefore, it was only natural in 2012 for Beech-Nut to embark upon a transformational change in its brand focused on product and packaging innovation. As Dahlen explains, the project was a co-creative process between Beech-Nut, Bluedog, and approximately 3,000 moms. To understand what consumers were looking for in a baby-food product, Beech-Nut and Bluedog conducted both quantitative and qualitative research through ethnographic studies, one-on-one interviews, and focus groups.

“The studies were really designed to get at how moms were feeling about feeding their babies, about the category, and about caring for their children, all going into a deeper emotional level to help guide us in the right way to deliver a product that would be relevant to mom and address her needs,” says Dahlen.

According to Bluedog CEO Michelle Hayward, the answer was “simple”: “We found out when it comes to food for their babies, moms believe simple is best, and simple means real—that means more flavor, more healthful, and more enjoyable.”
To deliver simple, 100% natural products, Beech-Nut worked with a proprietary supplier to develop gentle cooking™ technology, a method that ensures the freshness of the fruits and vegetables, without the addition of excess water or preservatives. During cooking, Beech-Nut uses indirect heat similar to a double-boiler to preserve the color, texture, and flavor of the products. 

INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
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INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast