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"Big changes are transforming the pharma and nutra industries. Many aseptic and solid dose manufacturers are re-shoring their processing and packaging activities back to North America, causing a big spike in domestic demand for production line equipment. Additionally, 503B compounding pharmacies are now overseen by the FDA, which means they’re under new regulations. In the nutra space, business is booming in the wake of the COVID pandemic,” said Mark Laroche, Vice President of Sales for NJM. “Susan’s deep technical and application expertise, along with her strong customer relationships, make her a valuable resource for delivering ideal solutions, from standalone systems to fully-integrated, turnkey lines.”
Calabrese brings 35 years of experience in packaging machinery sales including more than 20 years in pharmaceutical, healthcare and cosmetic packaging sales specifically. Most recently, she was North American Sales Manager at Brevetti CEA. Previously, she was Sales Manager at Eisai Inspection Machines and, prior to that, Sales Manager at Seidenader Equipment Inc.