The Flexible Packaging Assn. released the FPA Flexible Packaging Industry Segment Profile Analysis. Prepared exclusively for FPA members by PTIS, a division of HAVI Global Solutions Direct, LLC, the Analysis provides a look at the U.S. flexible packaging industry by volume (in lb) and revenue, and composition by materials for 11 key flexible packaging formats including sub-segments of bags, pouches, lidding, shrink and stretch films.
The Analysis estimates that the U.S. flexible packaging industry in 2012 was 17.3 billion lb and $26.7 billion. This is the only study of the U.S. flexible packaging industry that analyzes industry volume (lb) and value (dollars) of each industry segment.
The Analysis is based on interviews with industry experts across researched segments, reviews of packaging and packaged products market studies.
Also discussed in the Analysis are growth estimates for end-use markets and current industry dynamics.
The Analysis is a benefit of FPA membership and is available in the Members Only section of the FPA website. For more information, contact FPA at (410) 694-0800.
The FPA has served as the voice of the flexible packaging industry since 1950. FPA members are manufacturers of flexible packaging sold to users or distributors for packaging purposes, and material or equipment suppliers to the industry. Flexible packaging is produced from paper, plastic, film, aluminum foil, or any combination of those materials, and includes bags, pouches, labels, liners, wraps, rollstock, and other flexible products.