Vocal fatigue is a fairly common condition that affects singers, teachers, call center workers, and basically anyone who relies heavily on their voice. It causes symptoms like hoarseness, sore throat, and difficulty speaking, which can affect their ability to work or perform. However, it can be difficult to detect since it often develops gradually and doesn’t always produce symptoms. According to a recent Medgadget article, researchers at the University of Michigan have developed a new wearable device to address this.
The device is called VoiceSense, and it uses an accelerometer to measure the vibrations in the neck that occur when a person speaks to detect vocal fatigue in real time. The vibrations are analyzed using machine learning algorithms to detect signs of vocal fatigue, such as changes in the frequency and intensity of the vibrations. VoiceSense is worn like a necklace and can be used throughout the day to monitor a person's voice use. The device is non-invasive and does not require any special training or calibration, making it easy to use for anyone who needs to monitor their vocal health.