New packaging solutions for life sciences, all at PACK EXPO in Chicago
Discover new packaging solutions from hundreds of suppliers specializing in life sciences, all under one roof at PACK EXPO International in Chicago.

Spinal Implant Could Help Parkinson’s Patients Walk Again

The device addresses orthostatic hypotension and mimics the way the brain sends electrical signals to muscles.

Parkinson’s disease is an unrelenting condition that slowly erodes motor functions to the point that patients are often confined to a wheelchair. Though there is no cure, the development of treatments to address the effects has been a priority in the healthcare world. A recent Interesting Engineering article discussed the latest development that could help Parkinson’s patients regain mobility.

The treatment is a spinal cord implant, and it has already helped three paralyzed people walk again. The device mimics how the brain sends signals to muscles and stimulates the brain regulator that identifies the need for more blood when people stand up. Though the concept is still new and more studies need to be conducted, the team is hopeful it will improve the quality of life for Parkinson’s sufferers.

Explore new technology from hundreds of life sciences suppliers.
At PACK EXPO International, you’ll find innovations from hundreds of exhibitors that specialize in pharmaceuticals, biologics, nutraceuticals, medical devices and more. No other show delivers as many solutions to keep your products safe and effective.
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Explore new technology from hundreds of life sciences suppliers.
New food packaging & processing solutions, all at PACK EXPO in Chicago
Experience the cutting edge of food packaging and processing innovation at PACK EXPO International this November. See machinery and equipment in action, discover new technologies, and learn sustainable solutions from experts, all in one place.
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New food packaging & processing solutions, all at PACK EXPO in Chicago