New packaging solutions for life sciences, all at PACK EXPO in Chicago
Discover new packaging solutions from hundreds of suppliers specializing in life sciences, all under one roof at PACK EXPO International in Chicago.

Student Develops Device for Stab Wounds

The device consists of a small balloon-like component that inflates to seal a wound, and doesn’t break the clot when deflated.

When someone suffers a stab or impalement wound, paramedics load it with gauze to stop the bleeding and ensure any severed arteries are sealed. However, when the gauze is removed during surgery, it can cause the blood clots to break and bleeding to resume. A recent India Times article discussed a new device developed by a university student that aims to improve the way stab wounds are treated.

The device is called REACT, and it consists of a silicon balloon sleeve and a handheld actuator. The balloon part, called a tamponade, is inserted into the wound, and then the actuator inflates to create the right amount of pressure to stop hemorrhage in under a minute. It was developed to treat deep wounds in the abdomen, but the concept can likely be applied to wounds in other parts of the body. The device is still in development, but its inventor has already filed for a patent in the UK. 

Explore new technology from hundreds of life sciences suppliers.
At PACK EXPO International, you’ll find innovations from hundreds of exhibitors that specialize in pharmaceuticals, biologics, nutraceuticals, medical devices and more. No other show delivers as many solutions to keep your products safe and effective.
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Explore new technology from hundreds of life sciences suppliers.
New food packaging & processing solutions, all at PACK EXPO in Chicago
Experience the cutting edge of food packaging and processing innovation at PACK EXPO International this November. See machinery and equipment in action, discover new technologies, and learn sustainable solutions from experts, all in one place.
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New food packaging & processing solutions, all at PACK EXPO in Chicago