New packaging solutions for life sciences, all at PACK EXPO in Chicago
Discover new packaging solutions from hundreds of suppliers specializing in life sciences, all under one roof at PACK EXPO International in Chicago.

Medicine-On-Time Improves Their Sustainability and Reduces Costs

By implementing MetsӓBoard Pro FBB Bright, the company improves printability, packaging quality, and reduces freight costs while progressing towards its sustainability goals.

Medicine-On-Time found a solution through Metsä Board’s MetsӓBoard Pro FBB Bright
Medicine-On-Time found a solution through Metsä Board’s MetsӓBoard Pro FBB Bright

Medicine-On-Time provides innovation in medication synchronization, multi-dose pharmaceutical packaging software, and color-coded calendar cards for compliance packaging among other products. The company was experiencing issues with its packaging due to tearing, sealing issues, and print quality problems. Consequently, Medicine-On-Time was searching for a solution that satisfied customers, best represented the brand, and met their sustainability goals. 


With the interactive packaging designs, customers continue to use the medicine packaging until the product has run out, which requires a high-quality folding boxboard to maintain structural integrity. Medicine-On-Time found a solution through Metsä Board’s MetsӓBoard Pro FBB Bright, which provided a print surface and a structure that did not tear during press runs and customer use. The change of board lengthened the life of the print dyes used during the printing process, as well as improved the heat seal coating placed on the board.  



The lighter weight of the board utilized less material throughout the entire value chain, aligning with the company’s sustainability goals. However, the most notable difference of the lightweight board was the resulting reduction in costs. By using MetsӓBoard Pro FBB Bright, Medicine-On-Time had a 5lb weight reduction per shipping box. This decreased each boxes’ weight from 20lbs to 15lbs, resulting in dramatic cost savings. 



The end results were cost savings, customer satisfaction, and improved printability. “We’ve seen huge savings in freight costs,” says Michael Stevenson, Vice President of Operations at Medicine-On-Time. “Metsӓ Board’s product is whiter as well, which looks so much cleaner and prints better.”





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