Safe in Common, a non-profit organization of healthcare safety advocates dedicated to eradicating needlestick and sharps-related injuries, has planned a Nov. 14, 1 p.m. Eastern free multi-media exploration of the past, present and future of needlestick safety, called, "The Unfinished Agenda.
As of Nov. 12, more than 800 members of the global healthcare community, from veteran nurses and healthcare administrators to pharmaceutical manufacturers, have registered for the online event and the chance to submit questions to Safe in Common's panel of experts.
"The Unfinished Agenda" is the first in a series of discussions among the nation's foremost healthcare personnel safety experts and the frontline workers who face needlestick and sharps danger without a unified plan to address the shortcomings in injury prevention. A press release says this event picks up where federal regulations left off more than 10 years ago and is an examination of modern needlestick safety—past, present and future—from its roots in the 1980s HIV/AIDS crisis to where we stand today.
The online conference will be moderated by Safe in Common Chairperson Dr. Mary Foley, PhD, RN. Dr. Foley, the Director at the Center for Nursing Research/Innovation at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) School of Nursing. Foley will be joined by the following professionals:
• PJ (Pamela J.) Haylock, PhD, RN, FAAN, Chief Executive Officer of the Association for Vascular Access
• Dr. Janine C. Jagger, Professor of Research of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, University of Virginia, Founder and Director of the International Health Care Worker Safety Center at the University of Virginia
• Gina Pugliese, Vice President of the Premier Safety Institute, adjunct faculty at the University of Illinois School of Public Health and Rush University College of Nursing, Senior Associate Editor of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology.
This online conference is part of Safe in Common's continued mission to unify and educate people about the risks of needlestick and sharps-related injuries. This event will explore myriad concerns and demands for action from doctors, nurses, healthcare personnel, and administrators whose unity is needed to introduce the long-overdue innovation, awareness, and demand for a safer work environment for the healthcare personnel who save lives each day.
The event is part of SIC's on-going efforts to spark innovation, awareness and change across the healthcare spectrum, with a core focus on the Needlestick Safety Pledge.