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At All4Pack 2016 tradeshow (14th-17th November 2016), Adents and Microsoft will presentinsights into of Adents Prodigi, a brand new Cloud platform that combines Adents’ expertise in unit-level identification and traceability software with Microsoft’s expertise in Business Intelligence. Adents Prodigi is the only Level 4 traceability solution that can centrally manage regulatory requirements mandated in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as allow pharmaceutical companies and CMOs to take advantage of the massive amounts of data generated during the serialization and Track & Trace process.
Adents Prodigi was announced during the Microsoft Experience ’16 event in Paris on October 4, in the presence of Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella.
Adents Prodigi relies on advanced Microsoft Azure technologies, allowing drug manufacturers to securely generate, exchange and control the huge amount of data created through unit identification. The platform also integrates data analysis (including Microsoft Power BI) and machine learning tools, providing powerful analytics capabilities for these new sources of information.
Adents Prodigi opens up new horizons beyond regulatory compliance in terms of
- vUnit identification and traceability
- The fight against counterfeit medicines
- OEE and productivity monitoring across production sites
- Enhanced user experience and personalized communication
- Real-time data visualization and analysis
At All4Pack, visitors will also have the opportunity to see serialization in action via livedemos of an actual Line+Site Level architecture, which willoperate with the premium-performance software Adents Seriza and "mark & verify" modules from Novexx,SVM Automatik and H2M Technologies. Adents Seriza helps drug manufacturers and packagers gain expedient compliance while minimizing the impact on OEE.