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The third annual International Pharmaceutical Distribution Conference (IPDC) (September 12–13 in London) will offer presentations from senior supply chain executives and legislative experts on initiatives to fight counterfeit/falsified medicines in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Member companies may register before August 5 to secure the IPDC 2016 early bird rates. Featured sessions currently include:
"Fighting Falsified Medicines: Legislative and Regulatory Viewpoints on Medicines Verification Initiatives in the EU and U.K."
Experts involved in drafting the European medicines verification legislation will discuss these initiatives in the EU and U.K. They also will provide perspectives on the European Stakeholder Model, a point-of-dispensing verification system that allows pharmacists to check a unique identification code on each individual pack when it is dispensed to the patient.
Speakers: Patrizia Tosetti, Directorate General SANTE, European Commission
Andreas M. Walter, General Manager, European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO)
"Fighting Falsified Medicines: Implementing Medicines Verification Initiatives"
Senior supply chain executives will review the operational impact of implementing regulations to trace or verify medicines in the EU, U.K. and the U.S.
Speakers: Richard Seibert, Vice President, Sharp Packaging Solutions, a div. of UDG Healthcare plc
Mark Davison, Managing Consultant & CEO, Blue Sphere Health Ltd.
Scott A. Mooney, Vice President, Distribution Operations, McKesson Corporation
Additionally, presentations will touch upon big data and the move to the cloud, cargo security trends, the importance of instituting good distribution practices across the global supply chain and a medicine take-back case study from Spain. View the detailed agenda.
Early Bird Discounts End in Less Than One Month!
Now is the time to make your plans to join us for this exciting event — early bird discounts end August 5. Visit the conference website for more information on registering, or contact HDA’s Meetings & Conferences Department at (703) 885-0284 for registration inquiries.
Conference Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Sponsoring IPDC 2016 will put your brand in front of prospective customers from around the globe, through HDA’s marketing efforts and signage at the meeting. Custom sponsorship options include logo recognition in the conference program booklet, a reserved networking space and acknowledgement in marketing eblasts. Sponsors also receive ribbons for company attendees, are listed in on-site signage and are recognized in the conference general sessions.