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PCI Pharma Services’ Ray Hook Speaks at Smart Lighting Conference

PCI’s automated inspection expert highlights breakthroughs in ensuring product safety

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Ray Hook, automated inspection expert from leading pharmaceutical outsourcing provider PCI Pharma Services, addressed new breakthroughs in online inspection technologies at the Innovative Illumination Summit, recently hosted by Smart Vision Lights in Traverse City, Michigan.

In his role as Serialization Manager at PCI, Hook helps lead the serialization activity across PCI’s global supply network in support of pending DSCSA legislation in the US, the Falsified Medicines Directive in the EU, as well as developing Serialization requirements in emerging markets around the world.

Featured recently in an article in Healthcare Packaging magazine, Hook used the opportunity at the Innovative Illumination Summit to outline common challenges encountered with automated inspection of unit dose blister packaging.

PCI is a specialist in the execution of blister packaging of single and two-color capsules, transparent and semi-transparent softgels, liquigels, quick dissolve or rapid release products, and tablets of varying shapes, colors and configurations for both prescription medicines as well as over-the-counter (OTC) products. Unit dose blisters may also feature mixed fills for titration or combination therapies, requiring sophisticated inspection to ensure product safety. PCI’s vision systems inspect product in each blister cavity, which in some instances could be hundreds of cavities in each machine index. Lighting is a critical component to online inspection technology, combined with camera units and advanced computers. Hook led development work with Smart Vision Lights based on a concept created by one of PCI’s other vision experts, Dallin Katz, collaborating on a custom solution to increase resolution and contrast, advancing the inspection system to benefit PCI’s clients with an even higher level of product safety as well as increasing overall operational effectiveness (OEE).

PCI was recently recognized in the HCPC Compliance Package of the Year competition for design and execution of effective unit dose packaging that drives patient adherence, blister designs utilizing sophisticated inspection technology. PCI supported both the overall competition winner, Vertex ORKAMBI®, as well as the second runner up MannKind Afrezza®.

LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Tech for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to packaging challenges for life sciences products. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Tech for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast