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“The agreement focuses on formulating common programs and concrete actions to promote both shows globally and to recognize the packaging education projects developed by WPO”, explains Thomas Schneider, WPO President.
According to Schneider, this support means authorizing the use of WPO logo in all promotional materials and promoting both shows in all WPO media (press releases, webpage and newsletters). WPO will also provide qualified speakers to four conference programs on food safety and security to be held from 2013 until 2015 – June 2013 in one of the East African Community Countries, June 2013 India, September 2014 at East Afripack Kenya and May 2015 at Ipack-Ima trade show in Italy.
In return, WPO will have an institutional booth in both shows and will appoint a representative in the Steering Committee of East Afripack 2014. For the occasion of Ipack-Ima 2015, they will host the WorldStar Ceremony during the show in May, as well as WPO’s first Board Meeting of the year.
“We are very pleased about the agreement signed with WPO as we are aware of the importance of this organization and we share the same mission and philosophy. The packaging industry is a key sector of the world’s economy and both organizations strive to develop the packaging culture as a means of civilization and progress”, declares Guido Corbella, CEO of Ipack-Ima Spa.
And adds: “I believe the partnership with WPO is going to be particularly important for our future activities, especially in connection with the two trade shows that will be promoted”. It is worth to remember that Ipack-Ima will be held in Milan in 2015 in conjunction with the great EXPO event, focused on the theme “Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life”.