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MEDICA TECH FORUM to highlight medical technology trends

An integral part of MEDICA 2012, International Trade Fair with Congress - World Forum for Medicine, will be the MEDICA TECH FORUM, addressing a wide range of medical technology topics in its seminars in Hall 12.

The forum will include an English language program for the international audience. The agenda with its daily changing focus was developed in close cooperation with the industry associations ZVEI, SPECTARIS and “MEDICA - German Association for Interdisciplinary Medicine”. MEDICA 2012 will take place from November 14 - 17, 2012 at the fairgrounds in Düsseldorf, Germany.

On the first day (November 14), the MEDICA TECH FORUM will focus on international procurement concepts and global competitiveness. A politically based discussion (in German) moderated by Michael Opoczynski from the German TV station ZDF will deal with the national strategic process "Innovations in Medical Technology" with high-level politicians from various federal ministries. Ernst Burghaber (Parliamentary Undersecretary at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology BMWi), Thomas Ilka (Undersecretary at Federal Ministry of Health BMG) and Dr. Georg Schütte (Undersecretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF) together with the Chairmen of the industry associations ZVEI, BVMed, VDGH and SPECTARIS will discuss the current status of the inter-departmental strategic process to reinforce the German medical sector and to increase the efficiency and quality of health care.

The English language program will also start on November 14 with a seminar about “Sustainable Procurement Strategies” led by Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans Schweisfurth, Medical Director at the Saudi German Hospital in Dubai. Dr. Schweisfurth, who has many years of experience as medical superintendent in Germany, will compare the different procurement strategies and sustainability concepts of hospitals in the Western world and the Middle East.

On November 15, the English language theme will be “Clinical Effectiveness and Patient Outcome: People, Processes and Technologies” and will address the balancing act between increased need for medical supplies and limited resources. Professor Dr. Dr. Wilfried von Eiff, Director of the Center for Hospital Management in Münster (Germany), will identify key factors in medical quality such as the efficient management of clinical processes, acceptable operating costs and patient satisfaction. Prof. von Eiff will demonstrate that the average annual cost increases of 4.5% in hospitals cannot be offset with price-conscious purchasing policies or staff cutbacks without seriously jeopardizing health care. Selected management tool solutions from industry and European hospitals will be presented. The German language lectures will, in connection with innovation and life cycle management, highlight particularly relevant aspects such as service contracts, recruitment of professionals and the protection of intellectual property (product piracy).

On November 16 the focus will be on hospital hygiene. “Multi-resistant Pathogens: Challenges and Solutions for Clinical Microbiology, Hospital Hygiene and Patient Care” will be the theme of the English language seminar created by Professor Dr. Klaus Pfeffer, Director of the Department of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene at the University of Düsseldorf. The increasing resistance of micro-organisms to antibiotics represents a huge challenge for the health care system. Consequently, new concepts and solutions for the prevention of hospital infections and the increase of multi-resistant pathogens are urgently needed. The seminar will present advanced strategies for fast detection, epidemiological surveillance and the elimination of pathogens in patients, hospitals and medical products. Specific approaches for practical application will also provided in the German language lectures, such as "Preparation of Complex Medical Products from the Aspect of Hygiene and Function" by Robert Schrödel, CEO of Pioneer Medical Devices AG.

On November 17, Ir. Thérèse Schölvinck, Director of Medical Technology at the European Patent Office, will provide information about patent registration and knowledge management: “Patents: What innovators in Medical Technology need to know”. Academic research is increasingly cooperating with partners from industry and technology transfer institutions who have a strong interest in the commercial development of inventions and research results. At the same time, there is still a great lack of information on how to protect intellectual property and how the huge quantity of information in patent databases can be optimally utilized. The seminar will provide scientists and business partners with insight into the world of patents, with special focus on the European patent system. In addition to a practical introduction to the registration of patents, targeted searches in the patent literature will also be explained, including patent classification systems and databases.
LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Tech for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to packaging challenges for life sciences products. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! New Tech for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast