Do you know of any students pursuing a career in packaging that would benefit from this excellent opportunity?
The scholarships have been created to support packaging education and to raise awareness of packaging as a career choice.
As an added bonus, the top talent identified through this program will be shared with IoPP Benefactor companies as a recruiting tool for their organizations.
Please include with your application:
Official copy of applicant's current transcript
• Two letters of recommendation from instructors not related to you, or members of the Packaging Education Scholarship Fund Selection Committee who have knowledge of your academic achievements. Recommendation letters can also come from supervisors/managers if the student has worked/interned in the packaging industry
• Current high-resolution photo that can be reproduced for promotion
• On a separate sheet of paper, prepare a detailed narrative description of your academic and career goals for the future, including why you believe you're suited to achieve these goals. Outline for the Selection Committee any events that led you in this particular direction. Essay may be no longer than one page.
All materials must be completed and postmarked no later than March 19, 2012. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Winners will be recognized on May 22, 2012 at an IoPP-hosted special event dinner.
The scholarships are funded by founding supporters, including the Central Ohio, Cincinnati, Chicago, Minnesota, Missouri-Gateway, and Tejas IoPP chapters and IoPP benefactor companies.
Questions? Contact Sarah Washburn.
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