Thin Film Electronics ASA and Temptime Corp. have announced a strategic alliance that will bring new technology to the pharmaceutical market. The companies will collaborate to develop temperature indicators for the healthcare industry featuring electronic technology that will alert people through digital display if medical products have been exposed to potentially damaging temperatures.
The proper storage of temperature-sensitive medical products, such as pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and medical devices, is critical to a product’s efficacy and patient safety profile. The digital display on Thinfilm’s smart labels eliminates any ambiguity around temperature readings and clearly indicates if an excursion has occurred. Temptime reportedly is the first company that will add the smart labels with integrated electronic sensing and digital display technology to its portfolio of devices that support leading health organizations’ efforts to safely distribute medical products around the world.
In addition to Thinfilm’s own technology and logic, key components of the smart labels will be provided by several Thinfilm ecosystem partners, including thermistors from PST and electrochromic displays from Acreo.