The ASTM Committee F02 on Primary Barrier Packaging meets twice a year, in April and October, with approximately 50 members attending two days of technical meetings capped by presentations on relevant topics in the primary barrier packaging industry. F02 has a current membership of about 200 and has jurisdiction of 85 standards, published in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 15.10 and in the compilations entitiled "ASTM Packaging and Shipping Container Standards" or “ASTM Standards on Materials and Environmental Microbiology.”
The committee will meet this October 3-4 at the AC Hotel by Marriott in Nice, France.
Presentation topics:
Practical Applications of ASTM F3263-17 Guide for Packaging Test Method Validation, Dan Burgess, Boston Scientific
Sterile Medical Packaging: New MDR And EN ISO 11607 Requirements, Thierry Wagner, Dupont
What If 1 lb is Not the Appropriate Seal Strength? Geoff Pavey, Oliver Healthcare Packaging
Norner Online Barrier Calculator - Case Studies, Morten Augestad, Norner AS
Package Integrity Testing and the Supply Chain, Jane Severin, Network Partners
Benefits of Regulatory Agency Involvement in Standards Development, Pat Weixel, FDA
For more info, check out Future Meetings at