Elpro has launched a Circular Economy product line, signaling a shift in environmental monitoring and sustainability. Now, components of Elpro’s LIBERO data loggers can be reused, allowing Elpro to prevent early disposal of A-grade components and to support component availability. In addition, this solution is designed to enhance resource efficiency and reduce waste, aligning with circular economy principles.
Returning LIBERO data loggers to Elpro offers several benefits. It helps reduce wasting resources, because over 90% of all hardware components in Elpro’s data loggers can be reused or recycled. Whereas the extraction of raw materials from individual data loggers can be complex and the disposal, recycling or reprocessing expensive for the individual, Elpro’s circular economy model for its loggers helps ensure that the largest possible proportion of the valuable raw materials used is returned to Elpro’s material and production flow. Parts that cannot be reused are recycled or correctly sorted.
The program also ensures that Elpro’s A-grade data logger components are reprocessed and reused in a controlled manner during the re-utilization process, so that customers receive devices that are as good as new. Elpro’s defined and controlled re-utilization process ensures that its high quality standards are guaranteed. Components are used from once to three times in Elpro products, depending on their type and criticality.