NEW EVENT! Cutting-edge Trends for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
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System addresses patient adherence

MedCenter features new approach of pill stocking (with days and dates), talking alarms, and visual aids.

MedCenter features new approach of pill stocking (with days and dates), talking alarms, and visual aids.
MedCenter features new approach of pill stocking (with days and dates), talking alarms, and visual aids.

Prescription medicines are an important component of health management, however a growing volume of research indicates a disturbing trend in consumer noncompliance. Millions of Americans do not take their medicines correctly. People simply forget to take them, are confused about the proper dosage and timing, or lack the personal organization to carry out the daily task.

The MedCenter System from MedCenter Systems, LLC creates a talking system of remembering daily medications by using the date of the month. This system emphasizes the date rather than the day of the week.  The date is located on each pill box and pill cavity, the visual display of the clock, as well as audibly during the alert messages. This repetition of the date helps ensure proper medication compliance, even when the user is unsure whether it is Monday or Tuesday.

The system works in the following steps:

• Load the entire month's meds into the (31) daily pill boxes and place them into the organizer with their green ends up, showing they are full.

• Set up to four daily alarms to alert you when your medication is due.

• At the beginning of the day, take the correct pill box out of the stand and place it into the "today's pills" tray on the front of the organizer stand.

• A repeating friendly reminder notifies you of the time, the date, and which daily dose to take. "Good morning! Please take your morning pills for the 20th."

• Press the red “alarm acknowledged" button to confirm compliance and the MedCenter talking alarm clock tells you when the next daily dose is due.

• At the end of the day, return the pill box to the stand with the red end up to show the day's pills have been taken.

• Press the green "talk/time" button at any time for an audible notification of the current time and date.

• Press the blue "alarm check" button at any time for an audible notification of the upcoming alarms.

• The clock also features an easy-to-operate, talking, set procedure for all four alarms, the time and date.

• Large easy-to-read LCD with backlight makes the clock easy to read, even in the dark.

MedCenter System products can be found nationwide at a variety of retailers, websites, and on the company’s e-commerce site.


INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast
The exciting new PACK EXPO Southeast 2025 unites all vertical markets in one dynamic hub, generating more innovative answers to packaging challenges for life sciences products. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity for your business!
INTRODUCING! The Latest Trends for Life Sciences at PACK EXPO Southeast