How life sciences benefits from food and beverage operational insights

Need to make sense of how to calculate your Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)? Do you know how to evaluate what the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is for your life sciences processing and packaging operations?

OpX Leadership Network addresses life sciences processing and packaging operational issues.
OpX Leadership Network addresses life sciences processing and packaging operational issues.

A new website and e-book have launched that to address those issues and more. Unlock the true potential of your life sciences processing and packaging operations with OpX Leadership Network's virtual toolkits, created to help your organization achieve operational excellence. The website gives you access the latest information on hygienic equipment, sustainable manufacturing, workforce engagement, and Factory Acceptance Testing.

OpX Leadership Network assigns vetted topics to a curated group of subject matter experts. If there is not an existing group that specializes in a particular topic, the OpX Leadership Network will create one. These solutions groups are comprised of CPG representatives tasked with defining and addressing the problem, as well as invited OEMs or other suppliers that can provide insight on a specific topic.

The solutions groups meet online and in person to develop and devise guidelines and toolkits that are tested and then subject to a thorough peer review. Upon completion of the peer review, the work product is finalized and made available as a free download at

The website welcomes all packaging and processing professionals to join topic-specific user groups as a way to come together and share experiences and challenges they are facing while encouraging implementation of solutions.

In addition to user and solution groups, the website also features additional resources such as e-books and other downloads. The OpX Leadership Network’s inaugural e-book—Total Cost of Ownership—is an invaluable resource for evaluating each piece of processing and packaging machinery in a life sciences plant. Combined with the accompanying TCO checklists, you will discover the best practices for key strategic areas of your operation.