Procter & GambleFrom Procter & GambleFive Secrets to Award-Winning CPG Package DesignsProcter & Gamble, Beavertown, and Peri & Sons Farms Introduce Bio-Based Packaging InnovationsNew Tide Detergent Tiles Eliminate Need for Plastic PackagingDow and Procter & Gamble to develop a new proprietary recycling technology targeting hard-to-recycle plastic wasteLive at SPC Impact: Collaboration's the Key to Unlocking CircularitySupply Chain Eyes 2027 for Switch from 1D GTIN to Digital Link 2D BarcodesNestlé, Procter & Gamble, and Circle K Introduce Reusable Packaging InnovationsColumn: Fairly or Unfairly, Unlocking Circularity Relies on BrandsSustainability Awards 2023 Winners AnnouncedProcter & Gamble, Aroma Elite, and Yves Saint Laurent Introduce Refillable Packaging InnovationsProcter & Gamble, Unilever, and JDE Peet's Introduce Paper-Based Packaging InnovationsCoca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, and W&P Introduce Refillable and Reusable Packaging InnovationsPage 1 of 1